An Evolutionary Explanation of Anxiety 

Right now, more than 28% of Americans reported experiencing anxiety symptoms more than half the day, more days than not (National Center for Health Statistics. U.S. Census Bureau, Household Pulse Survey, 2020–2023. Anxiety and Depression). That is a lot of anxiety; so why is this?  One tiny piece of a holistic explanation may resonate with…


Lines in the Sand

Carol and Dave are approaching retirement and are trying to figure out where to live. Their adult children are settling down and having kids themselves. The couple is trying to maximize time with their grandkids, but the grandkids live in different cities, making the decision where to live more complex. On their own, they start…


A Non-Diet Approach to Health

While there is definitely a place for therapeutic nutrition (also called medical nutrition therapy), there is an alternative to how that advice is offered… which is what intuitive eating is, a non-diet approach to nutrition. Where does the “non-diet” (or “anti-diet”) come into play? Our culture is bombarded with messages, albeit mixed messages, telling us…



I’m currently working separately with two couples in which the husband mistreated the wife. With one couple, the husband tended to be critical and dogmatic. In the second couple, the husband tended to be dismissive and disconnected. In both cases, over a long period of time, the wives became significantly dissatisfied with the marriages. With…


Staying In Love

When you meet the right person, falling in love is easy. Almost all committed relationships have the experience of falling in love. This other worldly experience, technically called limerence, lasts 12 – 18 months. The challenge for committed couples isn’t falling in love but staying in love. This is where negativity comes in. Dr. John…


Lessons Learned

We are capable of learning lessons from each of life’s moments.  As a country, as a community, as a family, as individuals, we can step back and ask questions that help clarify, elucidate and allow for positive movement.  I think we are collectively in a powerfully influential moment that gives us possibility of learning and…


Dismantling Diet Culture

What exactly is Diet Culture?I talk to my clients a lot about Diet Culture but what does this term really mean? The short answer is our system of deep cultural beliefs and norms that equate body weight, shape and size to health and moral virtue.The long answer and probably the most comprehensive definition I’ve seen…
